About Preens LinenMaster
We’re Dunedin & Otago’s linen and toweling rental and laundry masters! After the clothes that cover us, there are few other items we hold closer to ourselves than the serviette we lift to our lips, the towel we use to dry ourselves, or the sheets we lay on or under. Smart and successful hospitality businesses understand this, ensuring the linen they provide their guests is of the highest quality, comfort and cleanliness.
What can also be costly is the outlay to initially purchase quality linen and towels and also to consistently maintain it to the highest standards of hygiene and cleanliness. No one understands this better than Preens Linenmaster, the masters of linen.
Linenmaster offers a trusted, professional and tailored linen and towel rental and laundry solution to the hospitality and health sectors. 100% New Zealand owned and locally operated, Preens Linenmaster is a division of Preens Apparelmaster, the successful local provider of workplace rental and laundry solutions. Preens also has a number of local retail Dry Cleaning stores in Dunedin and Oamaru.
Providing comfort means so much more than just the touch and feel of quality, it’s about providing our customers, and in turn their customers, with peace of mind.
Now that provides comfort!